The company "Sphere STS" had been founded over 10 years ago and has accumulated vast experience in sales of IT related goods and services in this time. It possesses a number of strategic partners in various sectors.
The best experts are employed by the company in the field of information security, software development, telecommunications, technical equipment, trouble-free unlocking.
All specialists possess high level and extensive work experience. The company provides informational and practical assistance in provision of effective hardware and software products to the state, quasi-public sector, law enforcement and special agencies.

Consulting and training
- Selection of effective technical equipment;
- Running of technical arrangements;
- Equipment for entity security and personal safety;
- Practical application of special software
and hardware including technical support
(for law enforcement only).

Development and maintenance of IT solutions
- Development of business
processes automation systems
for industrial enterprises; - Development of internet sites,
web-applications; - Development of other software products;

Hardware and technical projects
- Provision of wide variety of services
for telecommunication systems implementation
and maintenance; - Technical support for IT systems of
any complexity, consulting; - Emergency opening of locking mechanisms, manufacturing of special equipment;
- Hardware and software supply.